Project Team

The most recent core Manchester Voices team consists of two people:

Prof Rob Drummond (Project Lead)

Image of Rob Drummond

Rob is Professor of Sociolinguistics at Manchester Met. He researches, teaches, and writes about the relationship between spoken language and identity. He publishes in this area, but does other public-facing work in various additional areas around language and society. He recently published a book for a general audience called You’re All Talk: Why we are what we speak. As well as running Manchester Voices, Rob also looks after the Accentism Project. More about Rob here and on Twitter: @RobDrummond

Dr Caitlin Halfacre (Research Associate)

Image of Caitlin Halfacre

Caitlin is a Research Associate in Linguistics at Manchester Met. Her research covers includes aspects of Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Sociophonetics and Sociolinguistics but she is particularly interested in the interactions between social and regional variation. Her previous work has focussed on the interactions between region, social class and education and attempted to understand the non-regional nature of RP, or if it even exists at all. More about Caitlin here.

Previous core team members included:

Dr Holly Dann (Research Associate)

Dr Sarah Tasker (Research Associate)

Dr Sadie Ryan (Research Associate)

Dr Erin Carrie (Co-Project Lead)

We also employed a team of Manchester Met students who worked on the project with us:

Brianna Ataman, William Boyes, Nick Brennand, Birce Cennetoglu, Bilie Christiansen, Chris Connor, Jay Curley, Polly Hodkinson, Zarah Matloob, Sophie Mayo, Labeeba Miah, Monifa Phillips, Connor O’Mara, Hollie Rochfort, Steph Shuttleworth, Aisha Sufi, Jack Taylor, Megan White.